Monday, November 12, 2007

Beijing Olympics 2008 Tattoos

We all know Michael Scofield’s famous tattoo in Prison Break but tattooing The Great Wall of China, dragons, Olympic rings, symbols of Olympic sports and Fuwa? on your body sure comes close in some way.

A man showing his Beijing Olympic Tattoos.

Look at his head - Beijing 2008 all over :)

We discussed about how crazy Beijing is going with this Olympic 2008 - these tattoos just say it louder.

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Friday, November 9, 2007

Bibles Allowed in Beijing Olympics

If you have not been following the updates on Beijing Olympics 2008, first check this article on -Beijing Olympic 2008 bans Bible.

Outraged Beijing Olympic organizers sought to refute allegations of religious intolerance Thursday, saying Bibles and other religious items for personal use are welcome at next year's Beijing Olympics.

That latitude, however, does not extend to the Falun Gong spiritual movement, banned eight years ago as an "evil cult" and persecuted mercilessly ever since.

Recent reports by a religious news agency and European media that Bibles would be banned at the Olympics touched off an outcry that prompted a U.S. senator to call the Chinese ambassador for an explanation and a Christian athletes group to protest the "deep violation."

Angry Beijing organizers flatly denied the reports, while the Foreign Ministry said they were likely the work of people who wanted to sabotage Beijing's hosting of the Games.

"There is no such thing. This kind of report is an intentional distortion of truth (oh, there's an interesting turn of phrase - 1rt)," said Li Zhanjun, director of the Beijing Olympics media centre. Li said texts and items from major religious groups that are brought for personal use by athletes and visitors are permitted.

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Beijing Olympic Ticketing System Collapses

Massive demand has caused Beijing’s Olympic ticketing system to collapse.

The second round of tickets has gone on sale for the Beijing Olympic Games, but with more than 200,000 applications per second, the response has been more than the system could handle.

The server for the internet ticketing site overloaded while telephone lines were jammed and as a result, just 9,000 of the 1.8 million tickets available were sold on the first day

The Beijing Organising Committee has called for buyers to be patient.

China will eventually sell seven million tickets to the Olympics, with 75 per cent of sales available to local residents.


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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Bibles Banned at Beijing Olympics: Will Media Notice?

Will the Bible be banned in Beijing for Olympic athletes? Catholic News Agency reports:

Organizers of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing have published a list of “prohibited objects” in the Olympic village where athletes will stay. To the surprise of many, Bibles are among the objects that will not be allowed. According to the Italian daily La Gazzetta dello Sport, organizers have cited “security reasons” and have prohibited athletes from bearing any kind of religious symbol at Olympic facilities.

This sounds contrary to what the communist government was promising just a few weeks ago. See Reuters:

"We are learning from practices in past Games to make sure that their demands for religious worship are met," Ye [Xiaowen] told reporters on the sidelines of the ruling Communist Party's 17th Congress. "Here I can promise that religious services we offer will not be lower than the level of any previous Games," Ye said. He did not say if proselytising would be allowed.

Olympic agencies of the free world shouldn't tolerate this kind of intolerance. But will the media notice?

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